Tag Archive: Challenging Behaviors

Dear Sticker…
October 12, 2018 2:26 amDear Sticker, I am SO sorry! When you were first created we never had any idea that there’d be SO MUCH PRESSURE on you to be SO MANY THINGS! A Decoration: Your shininess was supposed to add a little flair to cards or posters, but WOW have times changed! A Bribe: I’ve heard you are the… Read More

Kids frustrating you? Before you (over)react, “CHECK” yourself!
July 6, 2018 5:12 amAs parents, we’ve all been there. You told them: “Be careful, you’re gonna break it!”…aaaand it breaks. You’ve said: “Hurry up or we’re gonna be late!”…aaaand they don’t hurry…aaaand you’re late. You’ve yelled: “You’re going to hurt your brother!”…aaaand he gets hurt. Patience: Gone. Blood: Boiling. Brain: RED! It’s at this… Read More